Wednesday, October 28, 2009

O is for...

It's my first time to join ABC Wednesday and this week's theme is O:

Ostrich. Some fun facts about the Ostrich:
1.) a female can lay 50 eggs or more per year;
2.) Ostrich chicks grow 1 foot per month;
3.) Ostrich feathers are used for feather dusters;
4.) An Ostrich's eyes are larger than its brain;
5.) They can run up to 45 mph and maintain that speed for 30 minutes;
6.) They have two sets of eyelids. One set is opaque, and used to see during sandstorms - kind of like protective goggles;
7.) an Ostrich's knees bend forward;
8.) A fully grown Ostrich has one of the most advanced immune systems known to mankind;
9.) Ostriches do not bury their head in the sand, contrary to what people believe;
10.) They are farmed in any climate - from Alaskan to Central African;
11.) Ostriches are one of the most environmentally friendly animals to farm

I did not know that!


Tumblewords: on October 28, 2009 at 11:07 PM said...

I find these birds so fascinating - I've visited several farms and never fail to laugh. They are just plain fun. Interesting facts, here!

Judi on October 28, 2009 at 11:19 PM said...

And, they have such adorable faces.

Roger Owen Green on October 29, 2009 at 11:04 AM said...

My daughter's alphabet books almost always cite the O for Ostrich.

Dragonstar on October 30, 2009 at 2:16 PM said...

A load of interesting facts, many of which are quite new to me. Fun!

Thanks for posting - the ABC Team.


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