Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Halloween Meme

Here's the Sunday Stealing question of the week:

1. What is your favorite written work of horror fiction? Mother Goose

2. What is your favorite work of science fiction/fantasy? Lord of the Rings

3. Who is your favorite monster? Grover.

4. What is your favorite Horror movie? Dawn of the Dead

5. What horror movie gives you the most chills? Hostel

6. What character from any horror film would you most like to play? The character that survives all the way to the end of the movie

7. Freddy or Jason? Jason. Freddie is too goofy, especially in that preppy striped sweater

8. What is your favorite Halloween treat? Gum. It's the most practical. It can freshen breath and clean teeth after a meal.

9. Ghosts or goblins? I don't even know what a goblin is.

10. Friendly-faced jack-o'-lantern or scary one? A friendly-face jack-o-lantern defeats the whole purpose, doesn't it? I mean, what if the Headless Horseman had carved a happy smile on his pumpkin? The people of Sleepy Hollow would have laughed him right out of town. Bratty neighborhood kids would have TP'd his horse, and smashed his pumpkin head on the street just for kicks. Come on, people!

11. What is your scariest encounter with the paranormal? I think my eighth grade English teacher was an alien. And, she was pretty scary.

12. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not? No, because my only references are Hollywood movies, which are fake, and crazy people who also see things like unicorns having tea and cookies, and pink polka-dotted elephants on the lawn outside.

13. Would you rather be a zombie, alien, or psycho? an alien. They're the smartest of the three. Although, zombies can take a lot of abuse and still keep coming

14. Favorite Halloween costume? a marshmellow

15. Best thing about Halloween? Scaring little kids

16. Person in your family who most likes Halloween (not counting yourself)? My cousin is a witch (political correction: wiccan)

17. Are you superstitious? I don't know. I'll ask my 8-ball. The little 6-sided polygon floating inside has all the answers

18. Share an unusual Halloween story. We used to have our parents drop us off in the wealthy neighborhoods to trick-or-treat, because the people in the mansions always gave out the best stuff!

19. What did you do for Halloween as a kid? Went to my grandma's

20. What's the best Halloween party that you've attended? My grandma had some pretty wild parties



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